Unveiling the Epic Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad: A Celebration of Excellence

Key Takeaways

  • Budweiser Black Crown was featured in a memorable Super Bowl XLVII ad
  • The ad showcased the premium and sophisticated qualities of Budweiser Black Crown
  • The commercial celebrated the launch of Budweiser Black Crown in 2013
  • Budweiser Black Crown was positioned as a beer for those who appreciate a more refined taste
  • The ad highlighted the sleek black bottle design of Budweiser Black Crown
  • The commercial featured a party atmosphere with stylish and sophisticated individuals
  • Budweiser Black Crown was introduced as a new addition to the Budweiser family
  • The ad emphasized the craftsmanship and quality that goes into brewing Budweiser Black Crown
  • The commercial ended with the tagline “The Crown. The King of Beers”
  • Budweiser Black Crown was positioned as a beer fit for special occasions and celebrations

Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl Xlvii Ad Celebration

The Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad Celebration: A Legendary Moment in Advertising History

Every year, the Super Bowl captivates millions of viewers around the world with its thrilling football action, over-the-top halftime performances, and of course, the highly anticipated commercials. In 2013, Budweiser stole the show with their iconic Black Crown ad, creating a buzz that would resonate far beyond the game itself. This article explores the impact of the Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII ad celebration and delves into the behind-the-scenes details that made this commercial a legendary moment in advertising history.

The Birth of Budweiser Black Crown

Before we dive into the Super Bowl ad, let’s take a step back and understand the origins of Budweiser Black Crown. In late 2012, Budweiser launched a nationwide contest called “Project 12,” inviting their brewmasters to develop new beer recipes. Out of the 12 finalists, one beer stood out – a rich and robust amber lager that would later become known as Budweiser Black Crown.

As a brand, Budweiser has always been associated with tradition and heritage. However, with the rise of craft beer and changing consumer preferences, Budweiser needed to adapt to stay relevant. Black Crown was their answer – a beer that showcased their brewing expertise while appealing to a younger, more discerning audience.

The Super Bowl Ad Concept

When it came to promoting Budweiser Black Crown, the stakes were high. The Super Bowl was the perfect platform to reach a massive audience and make a lasting impression. Budweiser enlisted the help of advertising agency Anomaly to create a memorable commercial that would introduce Black Crown to the world.

The concept was simple yet powerful. The ad would feature a black-tie celebration where thousands of people gathered to toast to the new Budweiser Black Crown. The setting was elegant, the mood was festive, and the message was clear – this was a beer fit for a special occasion.

The Making of the Ad

To bring the Black Crown ad to life, Budweiser went all out. They built a massive set in New Orleans, where the Super Bowl was held that year, complete with a grand ballroom, a live band, and a sea of elegantly dressed extras. The attention to detail was meticulous, ensuring that every frame of the commercial exuded luxury and sophistication.

The ad was directed by Samuel Bayer, a renowned filmmaker known for his visually stunning work. Bayer’s expertise in creating cinematic experiences was evident in the final product, as he masterfully captured the essence of the celebration and the allure of Budweiser Black Crown.

The Soundtrack and the Star

A memorable commercial needs a memorable soundtrack, and Budweiser delivered. They chose the hit song “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy, a high-energy anthem that perfectly complemented the grandeur of the ad. The song’s catchy chorus and powerful lyrics added an extra layer of excitement to the already captivating visuals.

In addition to the music, Budweiser also featured a star in their ad – the beer itself. The sleek black bottle with the iconic Budweiser logo stood out against the backdrop of the celebration, making it clear that Black Crown was the center of attention.

The Impact of the Budweiser Black Crown Ad

The Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII ad celebration was an instant hit. It generated a tremendous amount of buzz both during and after the game, becoming one of the most talked-about commercials of the year. But what made it so impactful?

Creating Brand Awareness

For Budweiser, the ad was not just about promoting Black Crown – it was about reaffirming their position as a leader in the beer industry. By associating themselves with the Super Bowl, Budweiser showcased their brand to millions of viewers, solidifying their presence and reminding consumers why they were a household name.

Furthermore, the Black Crown ad introduced a new side of Budweiser. It positioned the brand as innovative and forward-thinking, challenging the perception that they were stuck in the past. This shift in perception helped Budweiser appeal to a wider audience, including younger consumers who may have previously overlooked their products.

Driving Sales and Market Share

Advertising is ultimately about driving sales, and Budweiser’s Black Crown ad did just that. The ad not only created awareness but also generated interest and desire for the product. After the commercial aired, Black Crown sales skyrocketed, with many consumers eager to try the new beer that had been showcased during the Super Bowl.

Additionally, the success of the Black Crown ad had a halo effect on Budweiser’s overall market share. By positioning themselves as a brand that could create excitement and capture the attention of millions, Budweiser gained an edge over their competitors and solidified their position as a leading player in the beer industry.

Legacy and Lasting Impact

Even though the Black Crown ad aired over a decade ago, its impact can still be felt today. The commercial set a new standard for Super Bowl ads, raising the bar for creativity, production value, and storytelling. It showed advertisers that a commercial could be more than just a 30-second spot – it could be a cultural moment that resonated with audiences long after the game was over.

Furthermore, the success of the Black Crown ad paved the way for more ambitious and innovative Super Bowl ads in the years to come. Advertisers began to see the potential of the Super Bowl as a platform to create memorable experiences that would stick with viewers and generate lasting brand loyalty.

Recognition and Awards

The impact of the Budweiser Black Crown ad did not go unnoticed. It received widespread acclaim from both industry professionals and the general public, earning numerous awards and accolades. The commercial won the prestigious USA Today Ad Meter, which measures the popularity of Super Bowl ads, making it the most popular commercial of the year.

In addition to the USA Today Ad Meter, the Black Crown ad also won several Cannes Lions, the most prestigious awards in the advertising industry. These accolades further solidified the commercial’s place in advertising history and cemented Budweiser’s reputation as a brand that could deliver exceptional creative work.

In Conclusion

The Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII ad celebration was a groundbreaking moment in advertising history. It showcased the power of storytelling, the importance of attention to detail, and the impact of a well-executed commercial. By leveraging the Super Bowl as a platform, Budweiser introduced Black Crown to the world and solidified their position as a brand that could capture the attention of millions.

Today, the legacy of the Black Crown ad lives on, inspiring advertisers to push the boundaries of creativity and storytelling. It serves as a reminder of the power of a well-crafted commercial and the lasting impact it can have on a brand’s reputation and market share. The Budweiser Black Crown ad will forever be remembered as a legendary moment in advertising history, and its impact will continue to resonate for years to come.

Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl Xlvii Ad Celebration

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad?

The Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad was a commercial that aired during the Super Bowl XLVII in 2013. It was a celebration of excellence and showcased the launch of Budweiser Black Crown, a new premium beer from Budweiser.

What made the Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad special?

The Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad was special because it marked the introduction of Budweiser Black Crown, a new premium beer that was crafted by Budweiser’s brewmasters. The ad highlighted the beer’s rich flavor and smooth finish, appealing to beer enthusiasts who appreciate a high-quality brew.

Who were the key players in the Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad?

The Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad featured Budweiser’s brewmasters, who were responsible for creating the new premium beer. The ad also showcased the iconic Budweiser Clydesdales, symbolizing Budweiser’s heritage and tradition.

What was the message of the Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad?

The message of the Budweiser Black Crown 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Ad was that Budweiser Black Crown is a beer of exceptional quality and craftsmanship. It aimed to convey the idea that Budweiser Black Crown is the perfect choice for those who appreciate a premium beer with a distinct flavor profile.

Where can I find more information about Budweiser Black Crown?

For more information about Budweiser Black Crown, you can visit Budweiser’s official website or check out their social media channels. They provide detailed information about the beer, including its ingredients, brewing process, and availability.

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