Unveiling the Iconic E Trade Baby s Girlfriend: A Closer Look at the Memorable 2010 Super Bowl 44 XLIV Commercial Ad

Key Takeaways

  • The E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial aired during Super Bowl 44 (XLIV) in 2010.
  • The commercial featured the popular E Trade Baby character, who was known for his witty and humorous remarks.
  • In this particular ad, the E Trade Baby talks about his girlfriend and how she is a “speed dating” kind of girl.
  • The commercial highlights the ease and convenience of using E Trade for online trading and investing.
  • It was a memorable and entertaining commercial that resonated with viewers and became a popular topic of conversation.
  • The E Trade Baby commercials were part of a successful advertising campaign that helped increase brand awareness for E Trade.
  • This commercial showcased the clever and humorous approach that E Trade took in their marketing efforts.
  • The E Trade Baby character became a beloved and recognizable figure in the advertising world.
  • The commercial was well-received and generated positive buzz for E Trade during the Super Bowl.
  • Overall, the E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial was a memorable and effective advertisement that showcased the brand’s unique and humorous approach to online trading.

E Trade Baby Girlfriend 2010 Superbowl 44 Xliv Commercial Ad

The Story Behind the E Trade Baby Girlfriend 2010 Superbowl 44 Xliv Commercial Ad

Super Bowl commercials have become an iconic part of American culture. Each year, millions of viewers tune in not only to watch the big game but also to catch a glimpse of the highly anticipated commercials. In 2010, E Trade, a popular online trading platform, unveiled a commercial that would go on to become one of the most memorable in Super Bowl history – the E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial. This article will delve into the story behind this commercial, its impact on popular culture, and how it became a viral sensation.

The Concept and Creation of the E Trade Baby Girlfriend Commercial

As with any successful commercial, the concept and creation of the E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial involved a team of talented individuals. The commercial was created by the advertising agency Grey Global Group and directed by Bryan Buckley. The team behind the commercial aimed to create a memorable and humorous ad that would resonate with the Super Bowl audience.

The commercial features the iconic E Trade baby, who had already gained popularity in previous E Trade commercials. In the commercial, the baby is shown sitting at a computer, talking to his girlfriend on a webcam. He casually mentions that he has been trading stock on E Trade, which surprises his girlfriend. The baby then explains that he has enough money to buy her a new boyfriend, implying that she could be easily replaced. The commercial ends with the baby saying, “Well played, my friend. Well played.”

The Impact and Reception of the E Trade Baby Girlfriend Commercial

The E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial made its debut during Super Bowl 44, which was watched by over 106 million viewers. The commercial was met with mixed reviews, with some viewers finding it hilarious and others finding it offensive. However, regardless of the mixed reception, the commercial undeniably left a lasting impression on viewers.

One of the reasons the commercial became so memorable was its clever use of humor. The E Trade baby had already become a beloved character in previous E Trade commercials, and the addition of a girlfriend added a new layer of humor and relatability. The commercial effectively used the baby’s witty and sarcastic remarks to create a humorous and memorable ad.

The commercial also became a viral sensation, with millions of viewers sharing and discussing it on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. This viral spread helped to further solidify the commercial’s place in popular culture.

The Legacy of the E Trade Baby Girlfriend Commercial

The E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial not only became a viral sensation but also left a lasting legacy in the world of advertising. The commercial’s success led to a series of follow-up commercials featuring the E Trade baby and his various adventures. These commercials continued to captivate audiences and further solidify E Trade’s brand identity.

Furthermore, the commercial paved the way for other companies to use humor and relatable characters in their advertisements. The E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial showed that humor could be an effective tool in capturing the attention of viewers and creating a memorable ad. Many other companies have since followed suit, using humor and relatable characters to create successful commercials.

The Influence on Pop Culture

The E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial not only had an impact on the advertising industry but also on popular culture as a whole. The commercial became a cultural phenomenon, with people referencing and quoting it in everyday conversations. The baby’s catchphrase, “Well played, my friend. Well played,” became a popular saying, often used in a sarcastic or humorous context.

The commercial also sparked numerous parodies and spoofs, further cementing its place in popular culture. Various YouTube creators and comedians created their own versions of the commercial, each putting their unique spin on the concept. This widespread parodying helped to keep the commercial relevant and further spread its popularity.

The Evolution of E Trade’s Advertising Strategy

The success of the E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial prompted E Trade to continue using the character in their advertising campaigns. However, as time went on, E Trade began to shift its advertising strategy and move away from the baby character.

In 2014, E Trade launched a new campaign featuring actor Kevin Spacey. The campaign aimed to position E Trade as a more serious and sophisticated brand, targeting a different demographic than the previous baby-focused commercials. While the E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial played a significant role in establishing E Trade’s brand identity, the company recognized the need to evolve and adapt its advertising strategy to stay relevant in a rapidly changing market.


The E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial will always be remembered as one of the most iconic Super Bowl commercials of all time. Its clever use of humor, memorable characters, and viral spread helped to solidify its place in popular culture. The commercial’s legacy is evident in the continued success of E Trade’s advertising campaigns and the influence it had on other companies’ advertising strategies. Whether you found it funny, offensive, or somewhere in between, there’s no denying the impact and lasting impression of the E Trade Baby Girlfriend commercial.

E Trade Baby Girlfriend 2010 Superbowl 44 Xliv Commercial Ad

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend?

The E Trade Baby’s girlfriend is a character named Lindsay. She appeared in the 2010 Super Bowl 44 (XLIV) commercial ad.

What was the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend’s role in the commercial ad?

In the commercial ad, Lindsay was introduced as the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend. She was portrayed as a beautiful and intelligent woman who was impressed by the E Trade Baby’s financial knowledge and investment skills.

Why was the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend memorable?

The E Trade Baby’s girlfriend was memorable because she added a new dynamic to the E Trade Baby campaign. Her character brought a romantic element to the commercials and created a storyline that captivated viewers.

Did the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend appear in other commercials?

No, the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend only appeared in the 2010 Super Bowl 44 (XLIV) commercial ad. She was not featured in any other E Trade Baby commercials.

What happened to the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend after the commercial ad?

After the commercial ad, the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend did not make any further appearances. Her character was not continued in future E Trade Baby campaigns.

What was the overall impact of the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend?

The E Trade Baby’s girlfriend had a significant impact on the E Trade Baby campaign. Her introduction created buzz and excitement among viewers, and her character added depth to the commercials. The commercial ad featuring the E Trade Baby’s girlfriend became one of the most memorable Super Bowl commercials of 2010.

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