Unveiling the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad: Exploring the Hilarious World of Ryanville

Key Takeaways

  • The Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 ad, titled “Ryanville,” was a hit among viewers.
  • The ad featured actor Ryan Reynolds and showcased the advanced safety features of Hyundai vehicles.
  • Humor was a key element in the ad, with Reynolds playing multiple characters in a town full of clones of himself.
  • The ad effectively communicated the message that Hyundai vehicles are safe and reliable.
  • <li”Ryanville” was memorable and stood out among the other Super Bowl ads.
  • The ad generated positive buzz and increased brand awareness for Hyundai.
  • Overall, the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl ad was a successful marketing campaign that entertained and engaged viewers.
Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad Ryanville

Unveiling the Hilarious Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad – Ryanville

The Super Bowl is not only one of the most-watched sporting events in the world but also a platform for advertisers to showcase their creativity and entertain millions of viewers during the commercial breaks. In 2016, Hyundai took the Super Bowl advertising game to a whole new level with their hilarious and memorable commercial called “Ryanville.” This ad, featuring Hollywood heartthrob Ryan Reynolds, left viewers in splits and became one of the most talked-about commercials of the year.

The Concept Behind Ryanville

Hyundai’s “Ryanville” commercial was part of their larger campaign for the all-new 2017 Hyundai Elantra. The ad starts with a young woman driving through a neighborhood filled with multiple Ryan Reynolds look-alikes. Each time she encounters a Ryan Reynolds, she gets distracted, causing minor accidents. The humor lies in the fact that everyone in Ryanville is Ryan Reynolds, from the police officer to the construction worker, even a man walking his dogs. The commercial ends with the voiceover highlighting the Elantra’s advanced safety features, which help the woman avoid accidents despite the distractions.

The Success of Ryanville

Ryanville was an instant hit, garnering millions of views on YouTube and social media platforms. The commercial tapped into the popularity of Ryan Reynolds and leveraged humor to create a memorable and relatable experience for viewers. The ad effectively showcased the features of the Hyundai Elantra while keeping the audience entertained. By using humor and celebrity endorsement, Hyundai successfully captured the attention of the Super Bowl audience and generated significant buzz around their brand.

The Impact of Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrity endorsements have long been a popular marketing strategy, and Hyundai’s use of Ryan Reynolds in the “Ryanville” commercial is a prime example of how it can create a lasting impact. By associating their brand with a popular and charismatic personality like Ryan Reynolds, Hyundai was able to create a memorable and relatable experience for viewers. The use of a well-known celebrity also helps to build trust and credibility, as consumers tend to gravitate towards brands endorsed by their favorite personalities.

Additionally, celebrity endorsements can help a brand reach a wider audience. Ryan Reynolds has a massive fan following, and his presence in the commercial attracted not only car enthusiasts but also fans of the actor. This expanded the reach of the ad beyond the typical target audience and generated more interest and engagement.

The Power of Humor in Advertising

Humor has proven to be an effective tool in advertising, and the “Ryanville” commercial is a prime example of how it can capture the attention of viewers and make a lasting impact. By using humor, Hyundai was able to create an emotional connection with the audience and make their brand memorable. The ad stood out among the sea of serious and sentimental commercials typically seen during the Super Bowl.

Humor also has the power to make a brand relatable and approachable. In the case of “Ryanville,” viewers could easily identify with the distractions of everyday life and the struggle to stay focused while driving. By tapping into this relatable experience, Hyundai was able to create a connection with the audience and make them more receptive to the message of the ad.

The Role of Super Bowl Advertising

The Super Bowl is known for its high viewership and is often considered the holy grail of advertising. Brands invest millions of dollars to secure a spot during the game, hoping to capture the attention of the massive audience. Super Bowl commercials are not only seen by millions of viewers during the game but also generate significant buzz before and after the event. This makes them highly valuable in terms of exposure and brand recognition.

Hyundai’s decision to advertise during the Super Bowl was a strategic one. By leveraging the massive viewership and the popularity of the event, Hyundai was able to reach a wide audience and generate significant buzz around their brand and the new Elantra. The memorable and humorous nature of the “Ryanville” commercial ensured that it stood out among the sea of other ads, making it more likely to be remembered by viewers.

The Impact of the Ryanville Commercial on Hyundai

The success of the “Ryanville” commercial had a positive impact on Hyundai as a brand. The ad not only generated significant buzz and captured the attention of viewers but also showcased the advanced safety features of the Hyundai Elantra. By associating their brand with humor, relatability, and the popular personality of Ryan Reynolds, Hyundai was able to create a positive brand image and enhance their reputation as a fun and innovative car manufacturer.

Furthermore, the success of the “Ryanville” commercial helped to increase brand awareness and consideration among consumers. The humor and creativity displayed in the ad made viewers more likely to remember and consider Hyundai when looking for a new car. This increased brand visibility can translate into higher sales and market share for Hyundai.


The Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 ad, “Ryanville,” was a resounding success that captivated viewers and generated significant buzz around the brand. By leveraging the popularity of Ryan Reynolds and the humor of the ad, Hyundai was able to create a memorable and relatable experience for viewers. The commercial effectively showcased the features of the Hyundai Elantra while keeping the audience entertained. The success of the “Ryanville” commercial demonstrated the power of celebrity endorsements, humor, and Super Bowl advertising in creating a lasting impact and enhancing brand recognition.Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad Ryanville

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad?

The Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad is a commercial that aired during the Super Bowl 50 in 2016. It features a humorous storyline set in a fictional town called Ryanville.

What is Ryanville?

Ryanville is a fictional town depicted in the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad. It is a place where every person on the street is a different version of actor Ryan Reynolds.

What is the concept behind the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad?

The concept behind the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad is to showcase the advanced safety features of Hyundai vehicles in a humorous way. The ad highlights how the Hyundai car helps a woman navigate through the distractions of Ryanville.

Who is the actor featured in the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad?

The actor featured in the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad is Ryan Reynolds. He plays multiple characters in the ad, portraying different versions of himself.

What are some of the funny moments in the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad?

Some of the funny moments in the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad include Ryan Reynolds flirting with himself, Ryan Reynolds walking his dogs (which are also played by himself), and Ryan Reynolds getting distracted by his own reflection.

What is the message conveyed in the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad?

The message conveyed in the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad is that Hyundai vehicles have advanced safety features that can help drivers stay focused on the road, even in a distracting environment like Ryanville.

Was the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad well-received?

Yes, the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad was well-received. It was praised for its humor and creative concept. The ad generated a lot of buzz and positive feedback from viewers.

Did the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad have any impact on sales?

The Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad was successful in creating brand awareness and generating interest in Hyundai vehicles. While it is difficult to measure the exact impact on sales, the ad contributed to the overall positive perception of the Hyundai brand.

Where can I watch the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad?

You can watch the Hyundai 2016 Super Bowl 50 Ad on various online platforms, such as YouTube. It is also available on Hyundai’s official website.

Are there any other notable Super Bowl ads from Hyundai?

Yes, Hyundai has released several notable Super Bowl ads over the years. Some of them include the Hyundai Sonata’s ‘The Chase’ ad in 2015 and the Hyundai Genesis’ ‘First Date’ ad in 2016.

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