How the 2009 Pepsi Max “I’m Good” Commercial Became an Iconic Advertisement

The 2009 PEPSI MAX – “I’m Good” Commerical was a memorable and iconic advertisement that gained widespread attention. This commercial, which aired during the Super Bowl, left a lasting impression on viewers with its catchy jingle and humorous storyline. Featuring actor Brian Deneke as the protagonist, the ad showcased his ability to effortlessly navigate through various mishaps while confidently proclaiming “I’m good.”

With its upbeat energy and relatable theme, this commercial quickly became a fan favorite. The catchy tune stuck in people’s minds long after they watched it, making it one of those commercials that you just couldn’t forget. In addition to its entertainment value, the 2009 PEPSI MAX – “I’m Good” Commercial also effectively promoted the product by associating it with confidence and resilience.

It served as a reminder that no matter what obstacles come your way, you can still stay cool and enjoy life when you have a refreshing can of Pepsi Max in hand.

Background of the PEPSI MAX brand

  • Introduced in 1993, Pepsi Max is a zero-calorie carbonated cola beverage that offers maximum taste without the sugar.
  • It was launched as a response to the growing demand for healthier alternatives to traditional sugary sodas.
  • Pepsi Max quickly gained popularity among consumers who wanted to enjoy the refreshing taste of cola without worrying about their calorie intake.
  • The brand positioned itself as an ideal choice for those seeking a guilt-free indulgence while still satisfying their craving for a fizzy drink.

Key milestones in the history of PEPSI MAX:

  1. 1993: PepsiCo introduces Pepsi Max in the United States and Europe, offering a sugar-free alternative with bold flavor.
  2. 2005: The brand undergoes significant rebranding efforts, featuring sleek packaging and emphasizing its “maximum taste” proposition.
  3. 2009: The iconic “I’m Good” commercial is released, showcasing people confidently enjoying life while drinking Pepsi Max – highlighting that they don’t need anything else to feel good.
  4. 2011: A new variant called “Pepsi Max Cherry” is introduced, expanding the product line and appealing to those who prefer fruity flavors alongside zero calories.
  5. 2016: To cater to caffeine enthusiasts, PepsiCo launches “Pepsi Max Cappuccino,” combining cola with hints of coffee flavor.

Today, PEPSI MAX remains popular worldwide due to its commitment to delivering great-tasting beverages without compromising on health-consciousness. With various flavors and continuous innovation, it continues to attract consumers looking for an exciting soda experience that aligns with their dietary preferences.

The Concept Behind the ‘I’m Good’ Commercial

The 2009 PEPSI MAX – “I’m Good” commercial was a memorable and effective advertisement that captured the attention of viewers. The concept behind this commercial revolved around showcasing the invigorating and refreshing qualities of Pepsi Max.

Here are some key points about the concept:

  1. Energetic Visuals: The commercial was visually vibrant, featuring fast-paced scenes that aimed to grab viewers’ attention immediately. It used a combination of bright colors, dynamic camera angles, and quick cuts to create an exhilarating viewing experience.
  2. Empowering Message: The central idea conveyed in the commercial was empowerment through self-assurance and confidence. It portrayed people confidently declaring “I’m good” when offered alternatives or compromises, emphasizing their satisfaction with choosing Pepsi Max over other options.
  3. Youthful Appeal: The ad targeted a younger audience by incorporating elements of youth culture such as modern music, trendy fashion styles, and energetic activities like dancing and skateboarding. This approach aimed to resonate with young consumers who seek excitement and authenticity in their choices.
  4. Humor: Humor played a crucial role in capturing viewers’ attention while reinforcing the positive attributes of Pepsi Max. Clever punchlines, witty exchanges between characters, and exaggerated reactions added an entertaining dimension to the advertisement.
  5. Product Focus: Despite its humorous tone, the commercial effectively highlighted Pepsi Max as a low-calorie carbonated beverage option packed with bold flavor – appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking alternative refreshment choices.
I'm Good

Key Moments in the Commercial

In the 2009 PEPSI MAX – “I’m Good” commercial, several key moments stand out. Let’s take a closer look at these memorable scenes:

  1. The Opening Shot: The ad begins with an energetic and catchy beat playing in the background as a group of friends gather around a table filled with food and drinks. This sets the lively tone for what’s to come.
  2. The Main Character’s Confidence: As the camera zooms in on one particular guy, we see him confidently declaring, “I’m good!” This simple phrase becomes his mantra throughout the commercial, showcasing his unwavering self-assurance.
  3. Extraordinary Feats: Throughout the advertisement, various remarkable events occur that seem impossible to believe but are brought to life through impressive visual effects. From jumping over cars to surviving explosions unscathed, these unbelievable stunts grab viewers’ attention.
  4. Humorous Twist Endings: Each extraordinary feat ends with a surprising comedic twist that leaves viewers chuckling and wanting more. These unexpected endings add an element of fun and entertainment to the commercial.
  5. Celebrity Cameos: To further enhance its appeal, this Pepsi Max commercial includes brief appearances by famous sports personalities like David Beckham and Thierry Henry. Their involvement adds star power and excitement for fans who admire their talents outside of advertising.
  6. Catchy Soundtrack: One cannot ignore how crucial music is in creating an impactful advertisement experience – especially when it comes to commercials like this one! The choice of an upbeat track complements each scene perfectly while amplifying its overall energy level.
  7. Memorable Tagline: At the end of the commercial, after all those breathtaking moments have unfolded before our eyes, we hear a voiceover saying: “Pepsi Max: Maximum taste; zero sugar.” This concise tagline reinforces Pepsi Max’s selling point, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.
  • The 2009 PEPSI MAX – “I’m Good” commercial had a significant impact on popular culture, capturing the attention of viewers around the world.
  • The catchy jingle and memorable lyrics became an instant hit, with people singing along and quoting lines from the ad in everyday conversations.
  • This commercial also sparked numerous parodies and spoofs, further cementing its place in popular culture.
  • It became a cultural reference point, with people using phrases like “I’m good” or referencing specific scenes from the commercial as a form of humor or to convey their confidence in various situations.
Key Points
1. The catchy jingle and lyrics were widely recognized.
2. Parodies and spoofs added to its popularity.
3. Phrases from the commercial entered common usage.
  1. Music charts saw an increase in downloads for songs featured in the ad due to their newfound popularity.
  2. Memes featuring scenes or characters from the commercial started circulating on social media platforms, reaching millions of users worldwide.
  3. Several brands tried to mimic the success of this campaign by creating similar commercials that incorporated catchy tunes and humorous elements.

The 2009 PEPSI MAX – “I’m Good” commercial left an indelible mark on popular culture through its infectious jingle, quotable lines, parodies, and internet memes. Its influence can still be felt today as it continues to be referenced and celebrated by fans across different mediums.

Reception and Feedback from Viewers

  • The 2009 Pepsi Max “I’m Good” commercial received mixed reviews from viewers, with both positive and negative feedback.
  • Some viewers praised the commercial for its catchy jingle, humorous concept, and energetic performances.
  • Many people found the song in the ad to be incredibly addictive, leading to it becoming a popular ringtone at the time.
  • The commercial’s humor was appreciated by some viewers who enjoyed its lighthearted approach and comedic timing.
  • On the other hand, there were also viewers who criticized the ad for being too repetitive or annoying due to its constant airing on television.
  • Some felt that while initially funny, the repetition of “I’m good” throughout the commercial became tiresome after multiple viewings.
  • Critics argued that this overexposure led to a decreased impact of the advertisement over time.
Catchy jingleRepetitive
Humorous conceptAnnoying
Energetic performancesDecreased impact
  1. Despite receiving mixed reactions from viewers, the 2009 Pepsi Max “I’m Good” commercial managed to create significant buzz and generate conversation among audiences.
  2. It sparked discussions about advertising strategies and creative approaches within marketing circles.
  3. The controversial nature of viewer opinions also contributed to increased brand awareness as people shared their thoughts online and through word-of-mouth conversations.

Behind the scenes of the making-of process

From concept to execution, let’s dive into the exciting journey that brought this memorable ad to life.

  1. Concept Development
  • The creative team brainstormed ideas and developed a concept that would resonate with the target audience.
  • They aimed to create an energetic and relatable commercial that showcased people confidently enjoying Pepsi Max while tackling everyday challenges.
  1. Casting
  • Once the concept was finalized, casting directors searched for talented individuals who could bring authenticity and charisma to their roles.
  • The goal was to find diverse actors who embodied both physical abilities and vibrant personalities.
  1. Location Scouting
  • Finding suitable locations played a crucial role in setting up scenes that complemented the narrative.
  • Various urban environments were scouted to provide backdrops that matched the dynamic spirit of the commercial.
  1. Pre-production
  • With everything in place, pre-production involved detailed planning and coordination among different departments.
    • Set design: Creating visually appealing sets that enhanced each scene’s atmosphere.
    • Costume design: Selecting outfits that reflected contemporary fashion trends while maintaining individuality for each character.
    • Choreography: Collaborating with professional choreographers to develop captivating dance sequences featured in certain parts of the commercial.
  1. Shooting Schedule
  • The shooting schedule was carefully planned out based on location availability, actor schedules, and weather conditions.
  1. On-set Production
  • During production, directors worked closely with actors and crew members to capture every shot as envisioned during pre-production stages

Analysis of Messaging and Advertising Techniques

  • The 2009 PEPSI MAX – “I’m Good” Commercial effectively utilizes various messaging and advertising techniques to capture the attention of its target audience.
  1. Humor: The commercial relies heavily on humor to engage viewers. Through witty dialogue, exaggerated scenarios, and comedic timing, it creates an entertaining experience that resonates with the audience.
  2. Catchy Jingle: A catchy jingle is used throughout the commercial, reinforcing the brand’s message while also creating a memorable tune that sticks in viewers’ minds.
  3. Relatable Situations: The ad presents relatable situations where individuals find themselves in awkward or embarrassing moments. By highlighting these everyday experiences, it establishes a connection with viewers who can relate to similar situations in their own lives.
  4. Empowerment Message: The tagline “I’m good” serves as an empowering statement for those facing challenging circumstances or societal expectations. It encourages self-confidence and independence while subtly associating these qualities with consuming Pepsi Max.
  5. Product Demonstration: While maintaining a humorous tone, the commercial showcases Pepsi Max as a refreshing drink option by depicting characters enjoying it during various activities or social gatherings.
  6. Visual Appeal: Vibrant colors and dynamic cinematography enhance the visual appeal of the ad, capturing attention and holding viewer interest throughout its duration.
  7. Social Integration: By featuring well-known celebrities or influencers within the ad campaign, such as NBA player LeBron James at that time (if applicable), Pepsi Max seeks to leverage their popularity to increase brand recognition among their fan base and beyond.


In conclusion, the 2009 Pepsi Max “I’m Good” commercial successfully captured the attention of viewers and left a lasting impact. Through its clever storytelling and catchy jingle, the ad effectively communicated the brand’s message of empowerment and self-confidence.

The commercial’s use of humor and relatable situations resonated with audiences, making it memorable and shareable. By showcasing individuals confidently navigating through everyday challenges while enjoying a refreshing can of Pepsi Max, the ad created a sense of connection with viewers.

The 2009 Pepsi Max “I’m Good” commercial stands as a prime example of effective advertising that combines creativity, humor, and an empowering message to leave a lasting impression on its audience. With its engaging storyline and catchy jingle, this commercial truly exemplifies Pepsi’s commitment to delivering impactful marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers.

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